// zm_burgo.res - created with RESGen v2.0.2. // RESGen is made by Jeroen "ShadowLord" Bogers, // with serveral improvements and additions by Zero3Cool. // For more info go to http://resgen.hltools.com // .res entries (26): chateau.wad cs_747.wad cs_assault.wad cs_cbble.wad cs_dust.wad cs_havana.wad cs_office.wad cstrike.wad gfx.wad gfx/env/nightbk.tga gfx/env/nightdn.tga gfx/env/nightft.tga gfx/env/nightlf.tga gfx/env/nightrt.tga gfx/env/nightup.tga halflife.wad models/bigtree.mdl models/bush.mdl models/pi_bush.mdl models/pi_shrub.mdl models/pi_tree.mdl models/pi_tree1.mdl models/pi_tree2.mdl models/pi_tree3.mdl models/pi_treeb.mdl sprites/glow01.spr