**************************** --------DE_RATS6_v1--------- **************************** Based on "Gaeststugan" home of Viktor Soederholm, mapmaker! MAIL: infested@sverige.nu ---------------------------- TERRORISTS: ____________________________ Plant the bomb somewhere on the TV-Table or Eliminate all CT's!! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Counter-Terrorists: ____________________________ Prevent the T's from planting the bomb. Or defuse the bomb if planted. Eliminate all T's!! ============================ NOTES: -Map made between 17-20 Jan 2005. -Known bugs: None! e-mail me if you find a bug: infested@sverige.nu -Programs used: Valve Hammer Editor 3.4. Wally. Batch Complier w. ZHLT. Textpad. GREETINGS TO MY FRIENDS: Niklas "PoocHiE" Jansson. Marcus Zoltan. Chris "coopz" Strandell. Robin "Rolle" Segeblad. Richard Johansson. ............................ Viktor "iNFESTED" Soederholm S.W.E.D.E.N! ENJOY!