cs_maxy - beta1 Hostage Rescue By Eddd (grig_orig@hotmail.com) Armed with a vision and the Max Payne wad, I decided to make this map. Usual rescue hostage routine. ~NOTES~ This map has a large texture memory, so people with older graphics cards might wanna look away or something, lol. R_speeds shouldn't go over 900... 1000 at the most. Large visibility matrix - 160.7 meg Compile Time - About 8.5 hours on my Althon 1.4, 256MB of RAM -log file available on request Lighting -enviroment 0 -texture 2 Wads Used -MaxPayne -TFC -TFC2 -Compilation -halflife -cstrike -itsitaly -torntextures ~TO DO~ Terrorist start point needs some detailing Some brush errors in places Subway bit needs adding to ~~~~ Anything I haven't spotted, let me know... and most of all; ENJOY :D