CSS_TRAINWINTER_GO (Bomb/Defuse) by Tatu Eugen - www.tatueugen.info *** Winter version *** - Improved lights - Added snow weather - Added new wind sounds - Added new models - Added some snow brushes - Fixed some small visual bad looks - New lights in dark places About Train -------------------- Train (de_train) is a bomb defusal map featured in Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Mission ------------ Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from bombing the nuclear payloads on two trains. Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten the payloads. Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the payloads. Other Notes: There are 2 payloads on the trains in the mission. Credits ----------- CS:GO Remake: Valve Original Train Author: Christopher Mair