Welcome to cs_shatter final! Hostage Rescue Map Map and Text by: Eamon O'Huallachain aka: AZ|Diablo Created: 2-11-2002 OBJECTIVES: Counter-Terrorist: -Rescue the Hosties -kill some Terrorists -Try not to get killed Terrorist: -Prevent the Counter-Terrorist from rescueing the Hostages -kill as many CTs as possible -Try not to get killed Other notes: -This is my first map so forgive the suckyness. -Don't tell me there are to many boxes i know. -Look for a sequal or better revision soon. Thanks for playing. -Send to your friends. -If you like it or don't send email to -MadMax201@yahoo.com with suggestions Check for more picture and or updates http://www.angelfire.com/az3/csmapping/index.html Good Luck!