cs_wolfenstein_beta - Hostage Rescue By Tazus (tazus@caramail.com) helped by Thermik :)) (mag_mc@hotmail.com) THIS MAP IS AN TRIBUTE TO RTCW FOR ALL CS PLAYER (http://www.activision.com/games/wolfenstein) Textures from RTCW (Id Software), Valve, 52hours, UnDuLe (http://www.planetunreal.com/undulation/textures_n.htm) and me. Models by G.I.Joe (gijoe@counter-strike.de) and by Teppic8 (teppic8@yahoo.com) modified by Storm (joffrey_@hotmail.com) Please visit : www.tazuscsmaps.fr.st for updates & news. www.ndproject.com for exoctic server runing my maps. www.activision.com/games/wolfenstein for RTCW news. Storyline: In an tiny country of Eastern Europe, Terrorists have taken U.N. members as hostages. U.N. members came here to inspect chimical weapons. They have been taken to the little ghost town of Wolfenstein (remember the castle ?) This town was abandonned since 1942 when Himmler and his SS Paradivizione have done secret tests about dead resurrection Terrorists: -Defend the hostages Counter-Terrorists: -Free the hostages in the town. There are 6 hostages. PS : this map is a tribute to the excellent RTCW (http://www.activision.com/games/wolfenstein). Not a copy, but an adapatation. Contexte : Dans un petit pays de l'est de l'europe des terroristes ont pris en otages des membre de l'ONU venant visiter leur dépot d'armes bactériologiques. Les otages ont été amené a la ville fantôme de Wolfenstein, bordant le chateau du meme nom. Cette ville est abandonnée depuis les essais effectués en 1942 par Himmler et sa SS Paradivizione sur la résurection des morts. Terroristes : - Defendez les otages Contre-Terroristes : - Liberez les hotage situés dans la ville. IL y a 6 otages. PS : cette map est un hommage a l'excellent Return to castle Wolfenstein. Pas une copie, mais une adaptatioN.