===================================================================== Half-Life Map Spec Sheet ===================================================================== ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title : The Chapel Filename : Chapel.bsp Author : Craig M. Fields Author Email : Craig_M_Fields@Hotmail.com Home page : http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/twitchtr/craigmfields http://www.angelfire.com/games/CraigMFields (CASE SENSITIVE!) Description : deathmatch: "a moonlit night, a chapel, and the graveyard nextdoor..." Previous Maps: none for hl, some for doom,doom2,and duke, none released. ------Credits and Thanks--------------------------------------------- Karl Jones,the ERC,Autolycus,Brian and a few others on the net... thank-you much for the great tips and tutorials :) my two children, chris(23) and aimee(15) for playtesting ;) ------Additional Info, Tips, and Notes------------------------------- Ok, there are a couple of triggered effects you can use to kill your buddies when mere bullets and explosives aren't enough, they may not be entirely self-explanatory, so here goes... Let's begin with the 'steam boiler': located in the chapel basement, it has a small 'occupancy guage' which flashes to indicate a player(s) presence in the boiler or it's chimney (someone getting the egon?) of course, you want to know this so you can run over and turn on the 'gas' (using the big red wheel) which will fire up the boiler, suck anyone standing close to the front into it as it reaches out for combustion air, then close and lock it's door and fry anyone inside. The 'pressure guage' to the left of the occupancy guage shows how much time is left before the fire will shut off (points due east when the boiler is done) and then how much time before it can be re-activated (points due west when the boiler's ready again.) the whole cycle goes about 70 seconds or so. Next the 'spiritual teleporters', (you'll know 'em when you see 'em) they normally* go like this: Graveyard mausoleum --> Chapel basement. Chapel podium --> graveyard mausoleum diagonal across from above mausoleum Chapel storage closet --> roof of 'bell tower' (storage closet is to your right under the steps when you come in the front door) Additionally, they emit sound and light whenever they take you to 'another plane', so keep yer ears open ;) *(Remember however, that they all three redirect to the saw-table of the 'woodshop' if the saw is running.) Lastly, the 'woodshop': Boasting the only electricity in the area, a really bad safety record and located out front of the chapel (don't ask me why), this is where the caskets are fabricated. of course with the saw activated, the shop's saw-table is where all the 'spiritual teleporters' will be temporarily redirected, (something to do with the electrical energy disrupting the spiritual waves or something) here players'll be pushed quickly into the blade and diced. The saw runs approximately 30 seconds at a time, with about a 1 min delay imposed between re-activations. A few miscellaneous notes: -yes, i know the saw is impossible to actually use for sawing wood, but sawing wood isn't what we really had in mind, is it? -viewing the tower from the graveyard or vice-versa, especially through a scope reveals some 'display anomalies', don't know why, but they do NOT appear in the software renderer, so i assume it's my 3dfx cards/drivers. firing is not affected. -the items on the roof are intentionally as close to it's edge as possible, if you move slowly (making you an easier target) they are easily gotten to, if not, you'll probably fall off the edge and take some damage :) -i find it more fun to play with flashlights on, a time-limit, no frag limit and realistic falling damage. -all the doors to the chapel are 'undercut' a little, in testing, this allowed some of the explosive force of grenades,rockets,satchels etc. to come under the door when it was closed. do this to dislodge any tripmines which may have been used to block the doors closed. - *most* everything that looks like it can be jumped-on and/or crouched-under. - more of the jumps you'll encounter are jump-crouches, (jump then crouch) than just jumps, (sorry bots, trix are for kids). -if you're having trouble getting in/out of the caskets in the basement, also try jump/crouching and/or crouch/jumping, also: if your in a casket and you crouch and face the ground, the lid will close and no one will see you, jump up against the lid to open it again. -if you're having trouble trying to hide in the standing coffins, jump a little to get in, the bottom of them is clipped a little to keep you from getting stuck. -very small gaps between some items and nearby walls/floors are intentional, again to keep r-speeds down, i've tried to do this where it's not too noticeable. -there are over 50 deathmatch start points, be careful when u start out, some are precariously located. -the general playing style of this map should be:'use your ears as well as your eyes'. ------Play Information----------------------------------------------- Deathmatch :yes Single Player :yes, but with bots only, extensively tested with the JUMBOT. (boy, are they fun :) ) Map Description :a moonlit night, a chapel, and the graveyard nextdoor... How Many Players :tested with 2 players on a small LAN. tested with as many as 7 JUMBOTS, both dm and team. ------Map Information------------------------------------------------ New Textures :no New Sounds :no ------Construction--------------------------------------------------- Base :none Editor(s) used :WorldCraft 2.1 Compile Machine :AMD K6-2 3D with 128mb and/or AMD K6-2 333 with 64mb Compile time :3-6 hours for a full compile, depending on which machine Playtest time :40 hours, at least :} ------Map Instructions----------------------------------------------- Unzip the files in this archive. Place the map, "YOURMAP.bsp" in your half-life/valve/maps directory. If there are any .wad files in this zip, place them in the half-life/valve directory. ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------------------ This template is available at The radium Half-Life Map Center... http://www.planethalflife.com/radium Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.