==================== * Play Information * ==================== Title : Martyrdom Filename : martyrdom.bsp Author : Joe "Martyr" Milton Release date : February 1, 1999 Other lvls by author : This is my first level for Halflife. Quake I levels: Penance of the Satyrs, Rhapsody in Steel. Anyone remember those? Email address : jmilton@rocketmail.com Please email me if you put this map in your server rotation, I'll try to show up! Home page : NA Description : Deathmatch map for Halflife. A large silo storage facility. Recommended number of players: 4-16. This is definitely NOT a 1-on-1 map! Additional Credits to : Evilchild for his awesome map testing site: http://www.lowlife.com/halflife/ Coughcold and 8man for beta testing - you guys are the best! Youngdoc, Hellbringer, AK-47 and all the other folks that hang out at the Planethalflife editing forum. Autolycus for the HL Editing Resource Center. Hellbringer (again) for the Wavelength editing site. Ben Morris for the original Worldcraft. Valve for making Halflife such a great game. Single Player : There is a single player start for walking around - but no monsters Cooperative Player : No Deathmatch Player : Yes - 16 DM starts CTF2 : No Difficulty Settings : NA New Textures : No ================ * Construction * ================ Base : From scratch. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft. I remember the good ol' days of Worldcraft and Quake 1 when there was no such thing as brush clipping or vertex manipulation or texture lock. You new guys have it EASY! Compile Machine : A VERY nice person compiled it for me since my PC could not handle the size. He will remain nameless to prevent him from being swamped with requests from other people with lame systems. Compile time : Don't know Build time : 6 weeks part time - hey, I have a life! ================================================================ ::: ADDITIONAL INFO ::: ================================================================ ========= * Hints * ========= Yes, there are snarks in the level, you just have to look... There are a couple of ways to get to the rpg in the large silo room if you don't mind risking a long fall... There is one "secret" door that's fairly easy to find... You can turn the wheel to activate the bridge AND fire a gun at the same time as long as you stay facing the wheel... Don't fall into slime...it hurts... Dont' fall into the dark pit either...that hurts too... ========================= * Design Considerations * ========================= It's time consuming to get that egon. Your hands have to stay at the wheel to turn the access bridge making you very vulnerable. Jump carefully to get the rpg in the big silo room or you'll burn your toes. The other rpg is easily accessible, but puts you in the line of site of a crossbow sniper. For a fun time, creep up the ladder inside the large rusty silo and surprise that sniper. I threw in ONE crate...just so I could be considered a true Halflife mapper :) You CAN jump down onto the main level elevator (with the white concrete walls) from the upper level hallway and quickly hop off it to the floor below. It's a good way to cut off someone who's following you. Clip brushes were used where necessary to reduce risk of getting "stuck." Lots of thought and effort went into connectivity. It's a large map where you have to THINK about how to get to that certain area you're looking for. With time, you'll learn the best routes. Stand in just about any one place and think, "Let's see, I could go that way, or that way, or that way..." Most rooms have lots of different ways in and out. Even more effort went into lowering r_speeds. This map should be playable by just about anyone. That took both creativity and a willingness to hack out stuff that was cool but not necessary, not to mention pulling out a few tricks to reduce the polygon count. =========================== * Copyright / Permissions * =========================== Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.