Title : "The Gantry" (You gotta better name? I tried my best...) Filename : dante_i.bsp Author : Dante (mjash@cwcom.net) Other lvls by author : !!Coming Soon!! Email address : mjash@cwcom.net Home page : www.radioactivesoftware.com halflife.gameplex.net/007 Description : A neat little 1-on-1 level that I cooked up. It started off as an experiment to see if I could actually finish a map. It's a high-up, pipe station, somewhere in Black Mesa. Be careful with those valves, the pressure in those pipes is dangerous! Additional Credits to : LiveorDie @ 007, for play-testing, and final compile. Samurai @ Radioactive, for compiling when the going got tough for my little P133 Serengeti @ 007, for, um, moral support... All the bods in the editing forums @ planethalflife.com Valve for obvious reasons... Single Player :Nope... you can try it in single to get a feel for it tho' Cooperative Player :N/A Well, if Valve would get off their ... No. Deathmatch Player :2-4 It's a 1-on-1, but I've been told that it could hold 3 or 4. Difficulty Settings :N/A New Textures :Nope CD Track :Nope * Construction * Base :Original Conception and Build. Editor(s) used :Worldcraft v2 Compile Machine :P2-450, 192Mb SDRAM. But it's not mine... Compile time :1/2hr ================================================================ ::: ADDITIONAL INFO ::: ================================================================ **Any map-authors wanting the source files for this are welcome to** **ask (they might just get something.)** Some suggestions on play (if you want them): -Hiding behind stairs, -Putting tripmines on the valve controls to stop people from turning them off, -In tense 1-on-1 situations, listen for the footsteps of the other player, amplified by the metal flooring. Other notes: -This is my first ever released map. So be gentle. -R_Speeds are very, very annoying, especially for first-time authors. This map is a week late due to r_speeds and they're still not perfect. My apologies for anyone who is pissed off by this. -I had some great ideas for other DM levels and SP levels, too. But, I got picked up by Radioactive Sotfware, so I guess the next thing you'll be seeing from me will be HL:Level 5. * Copyright / Permissions * -Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. -You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. -This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.