First the description. Does anyone really care about compile times? Obvioulsy this is a lab type environment duh? This lab does testing with lasers and also has Xeno plants for observation purposes. The Xeno plants were brought back from a far away planet............... Some of these plants are dangerous and they are clearly marked so watch out. There are a few tricks/traps that a player can get into, lasers, snarks and electricity. There is also one hidden elevator that leads to the rocket launcher. There isn't a guass or egon/gluon, whatever u call it, in this level, they would be far too effective. This level was designed with fast game play in mind. You should not have any trouble finding a weapon or killing/gettin killed in this level. There is quite a bit of health and armor to go around as well as weapons and ammo. There are also other things that players have to look out for as they battle, lasers and Xeno tree. This level should be a blood bath with some strategy as well, I hope. There are some parts I had to cut back on details due to r_speeds, so some of this level isn't as pretty as I had wanted to be. :-( My last level, Spider, was built more for some sniping and strategy with larger areas. This one has a number of smaller rooms along with some larger ones. I think this will be my last level for a while, I have other maps thingys goin on, unless you guys email me and tell me this level ROCKS then I will have to build another :-). Hint Hint............. I have recieved a number of people asking for help on map making. I am by NO means an EXPERT, that is Steve the bum :-), but I am happy to help out any way I can and I will give sample rmf files as well, this stuff can be very frustrating, so drop a line if ya want. Be sure to look for the button near the small laser and watch out for the health charger :-) MEAN. Later Jeff ARE THERE ANY OTHER COMPILERS OUT THERE???? ================================================================ Title : DeathLab Date : Feb-99 Filename : DeathLab.bsp Author : Jeff Meyer (Jammer) Email Address : Other Level: : DMJCntrl, Spider. Thanks: 1. Again my wife and family of course :-) 2. As always Steve "Scary One". Still the one to beat and I am tryin, without success 3. To the crew at Radium and to Autolycus at gamedesign. These guys are puttin a lot of effort into helping us out.... THANKS 4. To those of you that have emailed me with comments on my other levels. It is GREATLY appreciated and motivating. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No ================================================================ File goes into the maps dir under Half-life\valve ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.0. Known Bugs : None that I know of. * Permissions * Don't take credit for it that is about all.