======================================================= Elite_LTD: a Half-Life Deathmatch Experience by DocRock ======================================================= Map Name: elite_ltd.bsp Author: DocRock Author email: docrock10@hotmail.com Release date: June 25, 2018 wadincluded in map: elite.wad ======================================================= LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Map description: A Half-Life deathmatch map set in an elite space base. ======================================================= CONSTRUCTION: editor used: Hammer 3.5 utilities used: Vluzacn's 64 bit compile tools Paintshop Wally Half-Life model viewer Goldwave compile machine: Windows 10 Shuttle R8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K 4.20 Ghz 64.0 GB RAM Quadro GeForce compile time: 1 minute ======================================================= INSTALLATION: 1. Run Winzip and unzip elite_ltd.zip. 2. Open the folder and place the elite_ltd.bsp, elite_ltd.txt and elite_ltd.res in valve/maps. 3. Place the 6 (six) planet.tga files into your valve/gfx/env folder. 4. Place the sound folder: elite_ltd in your valve/sound folder. 5. Place the sprite folder: elite_ltd in your valve/sprites folder. ======================================================= SPECIAL THANKS: To my babykitkat. My world. My LOML. My Princess. BETA TESTERS: babykitkat OTHER THANKS: chalupamonk planet skybox http://planethalflife.com/atmosphere/ ENIGMA http://spiritdimension.com/music/enigma.htm from the cd album "Screen behind the Mirror" track 2 Push the Limits Copyright 2000 by Virgin Records