Farm-O-Ween a Half-Life deathmatch experience by DocRock and CreepItAll level design by DocRock models, sprites, sky and sounds by CreepItAll A haunted farmyard Map information: bsp name: farmoween.bsp skybox name: fulltrees by CreepItAll map released: Oct 17 2016 author: DocRock author email: Build information: original map: yes map based on: farmland utilities used: valve hammer 3.5.2 wally ms paint goldwave wadincluded: farmland.wad, farmoween.wad models used: yes sounds used: yes sprites used: yes secrets? yes PC Specs: Windows 7 Professional Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K 3.2 Ghz 16gb memory 64 bit Compile Time: 10 mins map dedicated to: babykitkat (always) beta testers: babykitkat Creepitall thanks: CreepitAll for the models, skins, skies, sounds and support. Thanks for all the hard work man you're the best. installation: farmoween.bsp to valve/maps farmoween.txt to valve/maps farmoween.res to valve/maps fulltrees tga files to valve/gfx/env models to valve/models/farmoween sounds to valve/sound/farmoween sprites to valve/sound/farmoween player models to valve/models/player creepy_corn dr_d ripmyheadoff scarecrow