HLDM_ODILE : (for HALF-LIFE DEATHMATCH) By D4Ms (laurentdamien@hotmail.com or d4ms@ifrance.com), models, textures re-building and building improvements. & Tazus (tazus_fr@yahoo.fr), original idea, basic building, textures. This map is a replication of an real site : http://www.chez.com/tzundel/alsace/stodile/stodile.htm (or write "Mont Sainte Odile" in www.google.com) Textures customs: wolfenstein, maxpayne, map de_chateu (Counter-strike) http://d4ms.free.fr http://tazusmaps.free.fr IMPORTANT NOTE : THESE FILES ARE THE ONLY PROPERTY OF THEIR AUTHOR, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO DISTRIBUTE THEM ON YOUR WEBSITE OR ON OTHER PUBLIC SUPPORTS (Cd-Rom, Dvd-Rom...) WITHOUT THE ONLY STRICT AUTORIZATION OF THEIR AUTHORS. PS: there is a Counter Strike version of this map : de_sainteodile