================================================================ Title : krhldm01 - for Half-Life Date : 5th December 1998 Filename : krhldm01.bsp Author : Russell "Krusty" Hayward Email Address : russell@vision.net.au Home Pages : http://www.games.vision.net.au/~quake2 http://www.rmdsoftware.com http://www.vision.net.au/~russell/quake http://www.vision.net.au/~russell/genesis Mail Address : Russell Hayward 18 Vermont Rd Mowbray Tasmania 7248 Australia Description : G'day, couldnt resist making at least one map for this great game. Need a theme? Its an abandoned 23rd century chocolate factory. You have arrived at work 3 hours late, and your workmates are pissed off. Its up to you to waste all those snooty co-workers because you are sick to death of stirring the cocoa vat, and besides... their constant jibes of "Freeman is a llama" have really taken their toll over the last six years. Why is a chocolate factory littered with heavy weaponry? Because chocolate has been a precious commodity since the Great Chocolate Wars of the 22nd century, and all remote chocolate outposts are now keenly guarded. Additional Credits to : i) ID software ii) Valve/Sierra iii) http://halflife.gamedesign.com ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No (one start) Deathmatch : Yes, 2-6 players. Difficulty Settings : No ================================================================ Make sure you put the .bsp file into the following directory: ... \Sierra\Half-Life\valve\maps Run your hl.exe with "-toconsole +deathmatch 1" (no quotes) and type in "map krhldm01" (no quotes) at the console. ================================================================ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft. Known Bugs : Sure, why not. Build Time : 2 days. Compile machine : Cyrix 166, 64 meg ram, voodoo1 QBSP Time : a blink of an eye QVIS Time : a coffee break QRAD Time (extra) : some surfing time ================================================================ * Plug time * If you still have q1 on your hdd and haven't played "After The Fall" then its time you did. Some say it was the inspiration for Half-Life. Try it out, and judge for yourself. http://www.planetquake.com/atf If you never played Painrift (DM mod for q2) then thats ok, the servers were few and far between. Still you should download it cos it had some cool maps, weapon effects, etc. and it runs great on a lan. http://www.rmdsoftware.com/painrift Both these games are free, weigh in at over 16 meg each (zipped) , and are worth your time. ================================================================ * Permissions * You MAY NOT sell this sucker for money! If a magazine wants it on its CD - that's fine - *BUT* you *MUST* send me a copy. OK!! Then we are quits :) My address is at the top! Feel free to swap it amongst your net friends. You MAY NOT alter or add to this level without my permission.